“Dragons are the Masters of the Elements”

- Coach Dragonberg
Modern Dragon Program

Harness the transformative power of the four elements to empower your life with our comprehensive Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program.
12 week Program


Security, Identity, Flow

Establish a strong foundation for your personal growth by gaining clarity on who you wish to become and the habits that will get you there.


Possibility, Power, Abundance

Experience the power of synergy as your logic and imagination unite to transform your dreams into achievable goals.


Compassion, Connection, Self-Mastery

Elevate your joy in life with the skills to emotionally nurture yourself and others.


Strength, Autonomy, Faith

Master yourself through reflection and unlock a path of continuous growth that leads to more of the good stuff in life.

Now Accepting 10 Clients

“Dragons are the Masters of the Elements”

- Coach Dragonberg
Modern Dragon Program

Harness the transformative power of the four elements to empower your life with our comprehensive Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program.

12 week Program


Security, Identity, Flow

Establish a strong foundation for your personal growth by gaining clarity on who you wish to become and the habits that will get you there.


Possibility, Power, Abundance

Experience the power of synergy as your logic and imagination unite to transform your dreams into achievable goals.


Compassion, Connection, Self-Mastery

Elevate your joy in life with the skills to emotionally nurture yourself and others.


Strength, Autonomy, Faith

Master yourself through reflection and unlock a path of continuous growth that leads to more joy in your life.

Now Accepting 10 Clients

“Dragons are the Master’s of the Elements” - Coach Dragonberg

Modern Dragon Program

Harness the transformative power of the four elements to elevate your life with our comprehensive Emotional Intelligence coaching program.

The Power of the Pen

This program is designed to guide clients through a journey of self-exploration so that they can gain the confidence and skills to reclaim their identities, improve their relationships, and experience more joy in their daily lives.


Andrew's passion for coaching was sparked very early on, finding purpose in becoming a role model for the younger members of his family. His desire to be the example, pushed Andrew to train his body, heart, and mind so that he could embody the best version of who he could be.

Now, Andrew emerges as a modern-day renaissance man, thriving in the Arts as a professional musician, Sciences as a chemist and biologist, and Sports as a Division 1 Wrestler for Cornell University. However, it was his behind-the-scenes study into self-care that would spark the belief in Andrew that he could become a new kind of Coach.

So, while Andrew pursued his academic interests, he also diligently worked on crafting a unique coaching program that would address a human’s 4 Core Desires: to be Happy, to be Healthy, to be Confident, and to be Fulfilled. This ultimately led Andrew to establishing Super Sense Coaching with the goal of pioneering a new field of Emotional Intelligence coaching.

Now, Andrew finds fulfillment in sharing his accumulated wisdom and knowledge to empower others to make meaningful changes to their lives. He shows you how happiness, productivity, and self-improvement are skills that can be learned, and that progress is better than perfection.

And it all begins with putting pen to paper.

ho It Is For?

This program is for parents of students :

  • Mature and Old Souls (+30 years old).

  • People who are in touch with their emotions.

  • People who are self-reliant. 

  • People who are storytellers or have an inner artist.

  • People who are ready to commit 12 weeks to their inner growth.

ho It Is Not For?

This program is not for :

  • Young souls (Less than 30 years old).

  • People who are not ready for total honesty about their life.

  • People who make excuses for not doing their homework. 

  • This program is not a replacement for talk-therapy.


Security, Identity, Flow

Establish a strong foundation for your personal growth by gaining clarity on who you wish to become and the habits that will get you there.

Pillar 1: Earth




  • Clients will learn how to anchor themselves through Box Breathing.

  • Clients will begin collecting data through their journaling practice.

  • The client will begin to identify their common cognitive distortions and practice reframing them as objective observations.


Oftentimes, the first step in transformation is the most difficult. That’s why in this week’s module, we will learn how to anchor ourselves with our breath and focus on establishing our journaling habits by writing about gratitude and other fun prompts. By getting curious and suspending judgment, we will learn to allow ourselves to write and uncover the hidden gems of our personalities.




  • Clients will gain clarity on their Identity, including their strengths, challenges, and life purpose.

  • Clients will Identify their Core Limiting Beliefs and will create Positive Affirmations to address them.

  • Clients will gain clarity on their desired Identity and commit to becoming that person through their daily habits


As we get older our identities grow and change, oftentimes to the point where we feel like completely different people. So in this week’s module, we will trace out our life narrative and explore all aspects of our identities, both past/present, and good/bad. From there, we will discover our core limiting beliefs, and create habits that will help us grow into the person we wish to become




  • Clients will gain understanding on how to achieve optimal experience by inducing a Flow state.

  • Clients will understand their blocks to achieving Flow.


Our energy flows like a river: it can be smooth and orderly, or turbulent and chaotic. So in this week’s module, we will learn how to guide our energy to harness its power by reducing the blocks that stand in our path. In this way, we will master the skill of inducing a smooth flow state that will enable us to stay in action and to experience more joy in our lives.


Possibility, Power, Abundance

Experience the power of synergy as your logic and imagination unite to transform your dreams into achievable goals.

Pillar 2: Air




  • Clients will get curious about how good their life could be if they make a change.

  • Clients will learn how to relate to their feelings so that they can stay in action.


Now that we’ve established our foundation, it is time for us to get curious about how good our lives can be if we were brave enough to make a change. In this week’s module, we will learn to allow our imagination and logic to work together to explore the possibilities and turn our dreams into goals.




  • Clients will Identify the people who believed in them to succeed and inspired them to grow.

  • Clients will create habits/systems that promote their desired Identities.


True power lies not in the outcome, but in our ability to consistently get into action. So in this week’s module, clients will identify the key actions that promote their growth and learn to cultivate an attitude of resilience that will carry them forward in their transformation.




  • Clients will learn to trust that there is enough goodness in the universe for everyone to succeed.

  • Clients will identify their favorite ways to self-care and reward themselves.


In many ways, our thoughts shape our reality. So in this week’s module, we will explore the concept of manifestation and the role that our expectations play in determining our happiness. From there, we will learn to cultivate authentic luxury by identifying healthy ways to self-care and reward ourselves.


Compassion, Connection, Self-Mastery

Elevate your joy in life with the skills to emotionally nurture yourself and others.

Pillar 3: Water




  • Clients will gain a deeper understanding of the different Soul Ages and learn how to show compassion to each one. 

  • Clients will understand the spectrum of personality to gain a deeper awareness of their mannerisms so that they can make meaningful changes and become the person they want to be.


While every person is unique, there are more ways that we are similar than ways we are different. In this week’s module, we will explore the science of developmental psychology and personality to gain an awareness of the diversity of people in the world. In doing so, we will learn to show compassion for others and ourselves as we all strive to grow and achieve our own sustainable happiness.




  • Clients will gain a deeper understanding of what friendship is and how to cultivate/nurture relationships.


In today’s world, technology enables us to connect with more people than ever, and yet studies show that our relationships tend to be more superficial. In this week’s module, we will explore in depth what friendship is and learn how to cultivate/nurture relationships so that we can satisfy our need for belonging and gain confidence in our ability to relate to others.

In today’s world, technology enables us to connect with more people than ever, and yet studies show that our relationships tend to be more superficial. In this week’s module, we will explore in depth what friendship is and learn how to cultivate/nurture relationships so that we can satisfy our need for belonging and gain confidence in our ability to relate to others.




  • Clients will understand the core components of Self-Mastery and identify their strengths and challenges in caring for themselves.


To be a Master of Oneself, one needs to be able to control their body and attitude such that they enjoy the process of achieving a goal. In this way, this week’s module will have three goals. The Client will learn how to control their attitude through the practice of acceptance.The Client will improve on their ability to harmonize their mind and body to achieve Flow.The Client will gain further clarity on their intentions and learn how to utilize their time to ensure that they achieve their goals in an enjoyable way. 


Strength, Autonomy, Faith

Master yourself through reflection and unlock a path of continuous growth that leads to more joy in your life.

Pillar 4: Fire




  • Clients will learn strategies to optimize their desired habits and to break the habits that no longer serve them.


Oftentimes, it is the case that we need to work smarter, not harder. So in this week’s module, the Client will learn the Principles of Habit Change so that they can make their desired habits easy and reap the benefits of proper repetition.




  • Clients will learn how to be mindful of their habits/progress in a non-judgmental way so that self-improvement becomes an easy part of their lifestyle.


Give a man a fish, and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for a lifetime. In this week’s module, we will explore the meaning of Autonomy by reviewing the Clients’ progress and goals. By the end of this module, the client will expand on their intentions and understand the type of support they need to achieve their goals. 




  • The client will celebrate their progress and cultivate faith that they will be successful moving forward in all areas of their life. 


In this final module, we will celebrate all that the Client has accomplished throughout the program and identify their Spiral Path towards a happier life. By the end of this module, the client will have their Users Manual completed and will be ready for their next adventure!

The First Step In Transformation Is Curiosity. Schedule Your Free Consultation With Coach Dragonberg Today!

The First Step In Transformation Is Curiosity. Schedule Your Free Consultation With Coach Dragonberg Today!

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